Friday, June 1, 2012

Teresa’s Super Sour Dill Pickles


2 ¼ pounds of cucumbers (about 36 4” cucumbers)
3 ¾ cups water
3 ¾ cups white vinegar
6 TBSP pickling salt
12 to 18 heads of fresh dill (or 6 to 8 TBSP of Dill Seed; freeze-dried dill can also be used)
1 TBSP mustard seed

1.  Wash and cut cucumbers.
2.  Prepare brine – combine water, vinegar, and salt --- heat until boiling. 
3.  Pack cucumbers loosely in hot, clean pint jars (leaving ½” head space).
4.  For crispy pickles: add 1/8 tsp of Ball Pickle Crisp Granules (available at Walmart and most grocery stores) 
5.  Add 2 to 3 dill heads (or 3 to 4 tsp dill seed) and ½ tsp mustard seed to the top of the cucumbers in the jars. 
6.  Ladle hot brine over the cucumbers and release trapped air bubbles in the jars with a gentle stir --- maintain the ½” head space. 
7. Wipe rim clean and seal. 
8.  Process jars for 10 minutes in boiling water.
9.  As jars cool, they will seal.

Since my family LOVES dill pickles, I put up quart jars. I double everything and used 4 dill heads.  I used fresh dill in my pickles, and I think this may make them more sour than if you were using dill seeds.

Happy pickling!